Pink cupcakes on display for breast cancer awareness

Supporting Breast Cancer Awareness at SK Food Group’s Tolleson Facility

Throughout October, SK Food Group’s Tolleson, AZ facility took part in a series of events to raise awareness and support for breast cancer research. The initiative kicked off with our associates proudly donning pink hairnets during their shifts, a small yet visible symbol of solidarity and awareness. Alongside this, pink cupcakes were shared among team members as a sweet reminder of the importance of breast cancer awareness and early detection.

The highlight of the month was our participation in the “Making Strides Against Breast Cancer” walk on October 26th, where associates gathered to walk in unity and made a collective donation in support of the American Cancer Society. This event underscored SK Food Group’s commitment to giving back and supporting the fight against breast cancer—a disease that affects so many.

Learn more about the “Making Strides Against Breast Cancer” initiative and how you can support this cause at the American Cancer Society’s website.

Together, we continue to strive for a healthier, stronger community.

Breast Cancer Awareness Month banner for SK Food Group
Two associates receive pink cupcakes for breast cancer awareness
An associate receives a pink cupcake for breast cancer awareness
Associates receive pink cupcakes for breast cancer awareness
More pink cupcakes on display for breast cancer awareness
Associates on the assembly line wearing pink hats in support of breast cancer awareness
More associates walking in Making Strides Against Breast Cancer walk in Tolleson, AZ
Associates walking in Making Strides Against Breast Cancer walk in Tolleson, AZ
Associate with her baby holding a pink rose in Making Strides Against Breast Cancer walk in Tolleson, AZ
Breast Cancer Awareness banner support admire honor